Accessible Performances

Ontario is the first jurisdiction in Canada, under the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) to mandate and regulate accessibility standards for public and private sectors in all key areas of daily living. The purpose of the act is to make the province accessible for Ontarians with disabilities by 2025. This regulation applies to every person or organization that provides goods, services, or facilities to the public, or third parties, and that has at least one employee in Ontario.

One in seven people in Ontario have disabilities, and the consumer market for people with a physical disability that impairs their mobility, vision, or hearing currently makes up about $165 billion or 14.3% of the total Consumer market in Canada. By 2030, this share will swell up to 21%, with spending rising to $316 billion annually (in real 2017 dollars).

People with disabilities have a right to access, including the right to enjoy and participate in cultural events. Deaf and disabled artists have been incorporating access into their producing practice from the get (for obvious reasons), but this responsibility extends to all producers who are planning a production. Below is a non-exhaustive list of accessible performance types designed with the access needs of specific audiences in mind:

Relaxed performance

Relaxed performances welcome people of all ages, their families, and friends who might otherwise be excluded from a theatrical performance. Included are patrons with an Autistic Spectrum condition, a sensory or communication disorder, a learning disability, or anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed environment. In a relaxed performance, technical elements such as strobe lighting and loud sound cues are reduced and audiences are welcome to make additional noise and come and go as necessary. Another definition for a Relaxed Performance (RP) is "an accessibility practice which 'invites bodies to be bodies' in theatre spaces."

The video above is Part 1 of 3 in the British Council Canada series "Relaxed Performance: Exploring Access", which explores the principles and practices of Relaxed Performance (RP) in the arts.

Roundhouse Interview with Heather Wildsmith, Cultural Development Manager for the National Autistic Society

Relaxed performance producing resources:

Mutually accessible performances for Deaf and Hearing audiences

There are a few ways a hearing performance can be interpreted into ASL for patrons who are Deaf, deafened, or have hearing loss. Similarly, performances in ASL can be interpreted for hearing audiences in several different ways.

When it comes to integrated theatre practices where collaboration is required between Hearing and Deaf artists using both spoken and signed languages, it takes a lot of time and preparation to ensure full accessibility to both parties. These methods are not mentioned in the infographics below because we are looking at translation between signed languages and spoken languages, but we do have a page on Artist Accessibility and ASL Interpretation that outline these approaches in more detail.

For example, a spoken theatre performance with a sole Deaf character/role may not be an accessible ASL Performance. In the production, the Deaf character is providing some access by using sign language during their role (this can be approached in varied ways), but they are not necessarily responsible for or able to give a Deaf audience full access. Therefore it is important to consider: will there be interpreters providing access in scenes where the Deaf artist is not present? What, if any, of the content outside of the Deaf actor's scenes will be interpreted to the Deaf audience? By whom and how?

Producing resources

Infographics and examples

Audio Described Performance

Audio Description improves access for blind and partially sighted theatregoers by providing a live verbal commentary on the visual elements of a production, broadcast through a receiver. It describes action that is essential to the understanding of the story, as well as information about the set, costumes, facial expressions, and visual jokes that might otherwise be missed.

The video above by the National Theatre explains audio description, touch tours, and audio-described performance.

Talking Movement Public Performance Excerpts 2012 - Picasso Pro (also features closed captioning)

  • Audio Described performance producing resources:
  • The The Audio Description Project has compiled all the individual, organization, and corporate services that they know of in Canada that are involved with audio description. Their list includes the organization name, location, type of services offered and contact information.
  • Vocal Eye has compiled a collection of resources related to description and arts accessibility for people with vision loss.
  • 3PlayMedia Webinar provides an introduction to audio description with helpful graphics and illustrations (read the transcript).

Creating an Accessible Space

Remember, making your art accessible goes beyond offering accessible and specialized performances. Check out Audience Accessibility for a list of some (but not all) of the considerations you should make when looking at accessibility for your event/production.


So you’ve organized an accessible/special performance. How do you make sure the community comes out and sees it?

Creative Users Pop-Up Toolkit: Marketing and Communications is an All Access marketing and communications Toolkit to help you market your project!

Created by kpalm. Last Modification: Tuesday March 5, 2024 20:31:29 EST by mmackenzie.